I feel better today. Not that you asked. Am at 5 out of 10. Thanks to the music I've been listening to today. Woke up to a track by Phil Collins called Why can't it wait until morning. Remember him? It's a mellow song about love. Adult love. I sang along and then realised that it was going to fuck my day up.

So, I quickly flipped to ex-Mrs Brown; Whitney Houston.
Man, she took me through memory lane with the quickness. I remembered lots of things, people, places and events. Some happy others sad. RIP Gabi Nkosi. Now, don't get me wrong, Whitney Houston pre-crack was cheesy. But boy did we all sing to her hits. They were easy, sing-alongs. So, this morning, I sang. Out loud. And this lifted my spirits. Thanks Whitney. Fuck you, Bobby Brown.

Melody Gardot. I don't even know where to start. This is just too beautiful for words. She sorta reminds me of when I heard Diana Krall for the first time... But maybe a younger Diana. Okay, they are pretty much the same age (I think!), but Diana's voice is bigger, older... bolder.
So, if you have a moment, Google Melody Gardot, Youtube her or better yet, go to a music shop and buy her albums. Thanks to my sister for hipping me to her groove many moons ago.
Click, sit back and enjoy.
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